"Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

Beautiful Heavenly melodies, conservative Christian music, fine classics, and Spirit of Prophecy inspirationals to heal and uplift your soul.
Melodies Of Prayer - Heavenly melodies, beautiful conservative traditional Christian inspirational music and fine classics to uplift and heal your soul.
brought to you prayerfully .. with love from Guam!

"May Heaven's beauty, power and love
fill your heart today"

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Each hour, the beautiful chorus "Coming Again" rings and uplifts
your friends with the good news: "Jesus Is Coming Again!"

Listen and share Heaven's joy today!

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    The Sabbath - the faith of Jesus - His beautiful and loving memorial for His children (you and I).
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Gospel work and broadcast projects Current Projects Gospel Work & Health Evangelism Outreach
1. NEWSTART Community Health Outreach -- Local Guam & surrounding islands.
2. Home Bible Studies -- Spiritual Growth & Nurture
3. Spiritual & Health Media Ministry -- Local Guam FM radio & International internet radio streaming
4. Literature Evangelism Ministry
Current needs in Gospel work and broadcast Outreach Needs
Active On-going Projects:
1. Local Guam FM radio broadcast - Melodies Of Prayer / Pioneer Inspirational Radio - 24/7 - 365d/yr
2. Internet radio streaming - Melodies Of Prayer / Pioneer Inspirational Radio - 24/7 - 365days/year
3. Health Presentations & Vegan Cooking Demonstrations
4. Literature Evangelism

Future Plans:
1. Saipan, Tinian & Rota Evangelism - FM Radio Broadcast (in negotiation phase)
2. Micronesia Radio Evangelism - AM Radio Broadcast (pending)
3. Guam/Micronesia TV Evangelism - TV program (pending)
4. Outpatient lifestyle protocols for community reversal of chronic disease
5. NEWSTART haven/sanatorium for lifestyle management of chronic/terminal diseases

Let's share the good news: "Jesus Is Coming Soon!"
Let's reach the whole world with the Gospel.
Let's fill out the map for Jesus!
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Listen to Melodies Of Prayer, Christian Inspirational Music - via RadioTime.com link    
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 Jesus Is Coming Again! 
Guam, USA
Chuukese brethren participating in the NEWSTART Lifestyle and Wellness Program for Guam/Micronesia -- God's powerful principles of health and salvation is for you, and His love reaches you wherever you are in the world. -- MelodiesOfPrayer.com --
How you can help Share and Support
Contact Melodies Of Prayer Contact us on how you can help bring the Gospel of Salvation to Guam/Micronesia and to the whole world.
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Melodies Of Prayer - Heavenly melodies, beautiful conservative traditional Christian inspirational music and fine classics to uplift and heal your soul.
"May Heaven's beauty, power and love fill your heart today"
brought to you prayerfully .. with love  from Guam

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